Legal notice and privacy policy

CaixaBank, S.A. (hereinafter CaixaBank) is the owner of the CaixaBank portal or of the website that you have entered

Access to the CaixaBank portal or any of its websites and to the information regarding any of the products and services contained on them represents the acceptance of the general conditions provided in this Legal Notice. Therefore, you should read its content carefully if you wish to enter and use the information and services offered on the CaixaBank portal or on any of its websites.

Validity of the information and contents

The information contained on these pages is current as of the date on which it was last updated.

These conditions are valid as of the date on which they were last updated. CaixaBank reserves the right to change them at any time, in which case they will enter into force from the date of their publication and will be applicable to all users of the portal or of the websites from that date.

The contents of any of the web pages, especially the informative and publicity references, do not constitute a binding offer unless expressly stated otherwise.  CaixaBank reserves the right to make changes or partially or totally delete the current contents whenever it considers it appropriate, and may block or restrict access to said contents temporarily or permanently.

CaixaBank may include, on any of its websites, third-party contents and links to third-party websites, always with the authorisation of their owners, such as to social media and to other information. Under none of these circumstances will CaixaBank be responsible for the web pages and contents of third parties, or their functioning or availability.

Browsing and customisation

The simple browsing of CaixaBank websites is free of charge and does not require prior registration by the user. However, access, the contracting or use of some products and services may require the user to register. In this case, each of said products and services shall be governed by their own specific conditions, without prejudice to the conditions provided herein.

Some of the portals or websites may offer the user the option to customise pages, by including different types of wallpaper or by making it possible for users to configure access to their favourite products and services, making browsing and the location of the resources used efficient and practical and thus adapting them to the tastes and uses of each user.


The CaixaBank portal and websites contain the necessary security and quality certifications, seals or accreditations to offer users a secure environment. However, we recommend that you consult the Security Recommendations that CaixaBank provides on its portal for all users and read them carefully.

Privacy and data protection policy

CaixaBank fully complies with current legislation on personal data protection and with the confidentiality commitments specific to banking.

CaixaBank has adopted the technical measures necessary to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to prevent, as far as possible and always depending on the state of the technology, their alteration, loss, or unauthorised processing or access.

When customers or users are asked to fill in a form that includes personal data, they will be informed about the recipient of the data, the purpose for which the data are gathered and the identity and address of the person in charge of the file, as well as of the ability to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data.  The personal data collected will only be processed and/or disclosed for the stated purpose and always with the consent of the user or customer.

In order to always keep the information in our files up-to-date and free of errors, we ask our customers and users to notify us promptly of any changes or corrections to their personal data.

Cookie policy

CaixaBank websites use cookies, which are small data files stored on the user’s or customer’s computer that allow our systems to remember characteristics or browsing preferences on our websites that can be used to personalise access in subsequent visits, improve browsing security, collect statistical information on what users have browsed and find out their preferences.

The CaixaBank cookies policy is subject to prevailing EU and Spanish legislation concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector.  By virtue of the above, CaixaBank will inform you of the cookies it uses on each of its websites ("Information about the cookies used") and, when necessary, ask for your consent to use them.

To find out more details of the cookies policy of this website, please use this link.

Mobile portals and geolocation

Some of the CaixaBank websites are adapted for use on mobile devices, and therefore the presentation and contents of the various mobile applications might not accurately match or precisely reflect those of the portal or the various websites.

In addition, some websites adapted for mobile devices or applications might support geolocation features, for the purpose of determining  when users activate the feature and the location of the device at any given time. Users may therefore access the services that require geolocation and that CaixaBank has available.

Users must switch on the geolocation feature on their mobile device to access these services, which can be switched off at any time.

Intellectual and industrial property

The CaixaBank portal and websites, the pages they contain and the information and elements contained therein include text, documents, photographs, drawings, graphical representations, databases and computer programmes, as well as logos, brands, trademarks and other distinctive signs that are protected by intellectual or industrial copyright owned or licensed by CaixaBank or companies in its group.

CaixaBank does not provide any guarantee regarding the legality or lawfulness of the information or elements contained on CaixaBank websites that are not owned by CaixaBank or companies in its group.

Prohibited and permitted uses

The use, including the reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication or transformation of the aforementioned elements,  creations or distinctive signs in any media or format without the prior express authorisation of their respective owners is forbidden.  Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an offence punishable under prevailing legislation.

However, users may, at their own risk, download or copy said elements exclusively for their personal use, provided that this does not infringe on any intellectual or industrial property rights of CaixaBank. In particular, users may not alter, modify, or delete these elements, totally or partially.  Under no circumstances will this represent any authorisation or licence over the property rights of CaixaBank or companies in its group.

Establishing links or hyperlinks from third-party portals or websites to CaixaBank websites other than the home page of its portal, or presenting the websites of CaixaBank or the information therein under frames, distinctive signs, brand names or company or trade names of another person, company or organisation is prohibited unless expressly authorised by CaixaBank.

Financial and trading information

The CaixaBank portal or websites do not provide any kind of investment recommendation, or legal advice, tax advice or of any other kind. The information is general and under no circumstances does it follow specific or particular criteria or objectives or analyse financial situations. Therefore, the information contained on them should not be used to make investments or take decisions.

In the case of traded securities, any decision relating to subscription, buying or selling should be made by considering public information.

The contents of the websites do not constitute an offer to sell shares in the United States of America. The shares cannot be offered, sold or subscribed in the United States of America unless they have been registered or received exemption from registration, as stipulated in the US Securities Act of 1933.


CaixaBank does not guarantee continuous access to or the correct viewing, downloading or usefulness of the items and information contained on CaixaBank websites, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.

CaixaBank is not responsible for the information and other content included on third-party spaces or websites accessible from CaixaBank websites through links or hyperlinks, or for the information and other content included on third-party spaces or websites that can be accessed via links or hyperlinks to the CaixaBank portal or websites, or for the information and content of any third-party website that is presented with the appearance or distinctive symbols of CaixaBank, except when expressly authorised to do so by CaixaBank.

CaixaBank and its information suppliers as third parties do not accept any responsibility for the information, contents of any kind, products or services offered or provided through CaixaBank websites by third persons or entities, even though these may belong to the same economic group, and, in particular, for any kind of damage or prejudice that, related to the above, may be caused by: i) lack of information or deficiencies in the information provided to users, or in its veracity, accuracy or adequacy, ii) non-compliance or defective or late compliance with contracts or pre-contractual relationships, iii) non-compliance with the obligations incumbent on providers of services of the information society, iv) infraction of the rights of consumers and users, v) infraction of intellectual and industrial property rights; the performance of acts of unfair competition or illegal publicity, vi) infraction of the right to data protection, to professional secrecy, to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one’s own image, vii) in general, non-compliance with any applicable laws, customs or codes of conduct, and viii) any decision taken based on information supplied through the CaixaBank portal.

Neither CaixaBank nor its information providers as third parties assume any responsibility whatsoever for damages, losses, claims or expenses caused by: (i) interferences, interruptions, faults, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, the blocking of or disconnections in the functioning of the electronic system, caused by failures, overloads and errors in telecommunication lines and networks, or any other reason outside of the control of CaixaBank, (ii) illegitimate interruptions caused by the use of malware of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or others, (iii) the improper or incorrect use of CaixaBank websites, (iv) security or browsing errors caused by the malfunctioning of the browser or by the use of browser versions that are out of date.

Applicable legislation

These general conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation.